History of
Brandon Baptist Church
The historic Brandon Baptist Church has been a town landmark since the early 1800s. The Baptist congregation was established about the time of Brandon’s settlement in the late 1700s. The early worshippers met first in a log meeting house and later in a larger frame church. John Conant, a church deacon and prominent Brandon businessman, financed and supervised construction of the present building in 1832.
The original interior was different than it appears today. Balconies adorned the sides and rear of the sanctuary, the pews were enclosed, and the minister preached from a high, raised pulpit reached by a winding staircase.
On November 26, 1950, a powerful hurricane toppled the steeple. Crashing through the roof, the steeple drove like a spear through the main sanctuary, causing extensive damage. The cost of replacing the spire was prohibitive and the building remained without one for 50 years. In 2000, a group of local citizens raised money for a new steeple and the church was restored to its original appearance.
Who We Are
While Brandon Baptist Church retains its historic name, the present congregation is non-denominational. The New Testament teaches that believers in Jesus Christ are members of His body, the church.
Thus our fellowship has no separate membership list. We welcome all who confess Jesus as personal Savior and Lord and who seek to live a consistent, committed Christian life. Church administration also follows the New Testament pattern. While we have church corporate officers, the church is led by elders selected according to the Biblical standards of I Timothy 3. The elders are responsible for the care and ministry of the church and its people. The congregation meets monthly for a pot luck dinner and business meeting to discuss the activities and needs of the church.
Our Purpose
Our purpose to is worship God, proclaim the good news of His Son, Jesus Christ, and provide a welcoming fellowship for the care and encouragement of His people and the surrounding community.